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  Sometimes, you need to let your mom win.  What do I mean by that?  Recently, I moved back to mom's having gone through a divorce, an in-the-rears house sale, and a large financial setback.  Being fifty-two and independent for many years of my life, moving back home was something that I kicked and screamed about until the day came where someone bought my house and gave me thirty days to get out and find a new place.  Thirty days you think might be a long time, yet when you have three animals, and your finances and credit are in the tank, there really is no option but to move back home, unless choosing to live in my car was some sort of a reality - which it not at all wasn't.  So. I sucked it up, sold 90% of everything I had, and without help from movers or anyone, moved into a small room in the back of mom's house, which is where I'm currently writing from - and am beyond grateful for - yet it's taken me a bit to get to a place where I can much more easily...
Recent posts

You Have Zero Control.

You have zero control over most of everything in life.   The one thing that's challenging for me is letting go of the need to control someone else's emotions - specifically, anger.  Why? Because on some level, I take it personally and don't often recognize that their anger isn't about me -- whatever they're angry about, I happen to be the one in their immediate space at that moment, and they use me to lash out at.  And I take it personally.  And I want it to stop right away, and I want to get the conflict over as soon as possible because I don't like conflict, which in turn then creates way more conflict and unnecessary bullshit that then turns into unresolved emotions that cause damage that never intended to be caused in the first place.  The adult thing to do would be to take a deep breath, assess my position, and back off.  But.  Sometimes, that's a hard thing to do.  The shift in my mindset comes with first seeing my flaw because, ultimately, ...

Know when

  Know when.  Do you know when to know when? Let me back up for a moment.  The phrase Know when landed in my brain inbox about six months ago while laying on top of my lover man, R, outside on a long log after chatting about life. After a minute or so of us simply breathing and not talking, he looked at me and said, 'Shannon, you got to Know when.' Since that moment in July, the phrase, Know when has been a daily occurrence.  Why? Because Knowing when applies to literally everything in life.  Some examples are: I didn't know when, when I sent that text the other day.  Knowing when came in handy when I was at the registry last week.  At the last moment yesterday, I knew when before I opened my mouth to say something that may not have gone so great.  Do you see how knowing when applies to everything? More importantly, do you understand how knowing when can accelerate your growth, expand your self-awareness, and make you more intuitive about...

Seeing the Truth

T he guy I'm dating -I'll refer to him as R—has an old phone. It is so old that it doesn't receive 90% of the texts that I or others send him.  And he seems unfazed by the entire bit of it all. He thinks we are the crazy ones for acting like the world is on fire because he hasn't received the latest update on what's happening in the local or someone's daily life drama. He basically told me so last night when I pulled into his driveway like a banshee from hell looking for a head to take off.    I got out of my car and stood there yelling up at him through his workshop window, "Hey! Are you getting any of my texts? Looking down at me, wielding a chainsaw, dressed in his crooked red, fogged-up goggles and beige overalls, he yelled back at me, "What are you CRAZY? "Why don't you just turn your car off and get in the house? " I stared at him and shook my head as he returned to chainsawing.  He met me in the basement.  He sat on the couch and t...

Skin - Your Most Precious Asset.

Skin.   When you think of skin, you probably think of conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, or skin cancer. However, your skin affects your overall health much more than your mirror can or will ever show, and here are a few.  1. Your skin is your body's largest organ. I protect all your organs, muscles, and blood vessels and work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to keep germs out. 2. When exposed to UV rays—e.g., the sun or tanning beds —your skin helps you form healthy bones and teeth by making more Vitamin D. This enables you to absorb all the calcium you take, ultimately contributing to better bone health.   3. Your skin is a ready-made natural cooling and heating system. It keeps you cool when you're hot by causing you to sweat; when you're cold, that fatty layer of tissue deeper underneath the surface helps you insulate against it. This natural system also explains why people who don't have that fatty layer are seemingly always cold. When you get goosebump...

Numerology Master Number 11

Numerology number 11 is the first of the Master numbers. These numbers hold vital energy because they aren’t reduced like the cardinal numbers 1-9. Master numbers are high-vibration numbers, which means they have primary energy. Master number 11 gets its roots from the numbers 1 and 2 and is robust, unique, and bold in its stance. Master number 11s have a dynamic aura, are empathic, and embody high intuition and spiritual gifts of connection with the divine source. They always experience an awkward feeling of never fitting in, and their magnificent energy draws people in and uplifts and inspires them—a gentle and sensitive soul they crave alone time to think freely and tap into their creative nature. ==>Emotional Challenge<== Number 11s have both the intense, ambitious energy of the masculine  number 1  and the softer, giving power of the  number 2 . It’s a perfect blend of male and female energy. Master Number 11 has a weak point because it combines numbe...

Numerology Number 2

Number 2 energy is, on the surface, soft and feminine. Yet, the phrase,  a velvet glove and iron fist  suits a number 2 perfectly -meaning they appear gentle but are fiercely determined and generally inflexible underneath. Once they get something in their minds to do, they’ll plod along quietly until it’s done. For example, a number 2 could convince their best friend to ditch her cheating boyfriend and then encourage her to get a fab makeover in less than 24 hours. Those with number 2 energy have personality traits such as diplomacy, high intuition, the epitome of social grace, the gentle art of quiet yet powerful persuasion, inspiration, charisma, silent inner strength, and sensitivity.  The energy rules a number 2 if they were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any given month. ==>Personality Traits<== Persuasive, quiet, and intelligent– Number 2s are masters of gentle, continuous persuasion and prefer to work behind the scenes rather than be in the spotlight...