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Numerology Number 1

Hi, and welcome to learn about numerology number one. 

Here, you’ll learn more about what encompasses number one and how it applies to the masculine side of Master Number 11. 

Number 1 is the main number from which all numbers originate. Therefore, its energy is masculine and powerful, encompassing personality traits like leadership, drive, will, and determination. If your birthday is on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any given month, you are ruled by number 1 energy.

==>Personality Traits<==

Independent and passionate – Number 1s have the potential to be movers and shakers in this world and would make excellent entrepreneurs. They’re fiercely independent and loathe to ask for help due to perfectionism.

Energetic and driven, Number 1s have a strong determination and personality to match. They do not like sitting and watching the world go by; they prefer to get up and get things done instead. Above all else, number 1s desire and crave freedom, independence, and daily mental stimulation. So, they’ll hop from task to task easily while fulfilling their solo nature.

Gifted storyteller – Number 1 folks have a knack for making the most boring stories funny, entertaining, and popular. Their upbeat, outgoing personality and broad-minded attitude about life add to the charm.

Intelligent and leader – Number 1s think differently than most and can think easily outside the box. They’ll devise an ingenious idea to fix what stumps everyone else. People may feel intimidated by the number 1 because they have tons of passion and energy; sometimes, others think they can’t live up to what number 1s can accomplish. However, number 1s have a magical presence that quickly dissipates any of that not-enough energy and draws people in; it’s the natural leader in them.

==>Emotional Challenges<==

The world sees the number 1 as loving-by-nature fearless leaders with brilliant ideas and remarkable productivity. Yet number 1s are willful and stubborn and can suffer from self-doubt, self-critical, self-absorbed, depression, and negative defeatist self-talk that insinuates they’re not good enough, which can cripple them if not careful.

==>Life Path<==

The number 1s life path is to have incredible leadership skills, will, determination, and drive to do what they set their minds to, yet it can take time to find their footing in life. Their lack of confidence and frequent wondering if they are good enough can break their journey toward a healthy self-image. As they go through life’s journey of becoming their own, the idea of being independent and free excites them, yet, on the flip side, it can also feel scary to start relying on themselves.


Number 1s feel joy working in their element — creative ideas they can bring to life. They lead by example, are movers and shakers, and devise visionary and inspirational solutions for those around them to do their best work. Number 1s are ambitious and careful to be fair at all times, and honesty and integrity are high on their list of importance – they loathe when people lie.

They are natural leaders, inspire others enthusiastically with ideas that always get put into action, and are most comfortable where they can best serve and will rise to the top no matter what. They’d make excellent CEOs, entrepreneurs, or inspirational speakers. Number 1s need to remember that not everyone has the determination, foresight, and passionate energy they embody, which will help number 1s remain fair, kind, and just.


Number 1s are constantly in motion, and it can be tricky for them to relax. This can cause friction with a partner who can’t keep up, and it’s helpful for number 1 to have a hobby to do while their partner rests. An excellent tip to remember for number one in relationships is to allow their partner to take the lead on occasion.

==>Achieve Full Number 1 Potential<==

Learning to balance their minds is vital for number 1s to achieve their full potential. Asking for intuitive guidance and trusting it, starting a daily meditation practice, and spending daily time in self-reflection are ways for number 1s to instill self-belief and self-confidence so they’ll be successful in whatever they do.

Thanks for reading; I’d love to hear from you in the comments or email. Also, let me know how you resonate with the number 1 energy- especially if you’re a master number 11.

To calculate your personality and life path numbers, click here.
